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Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions



ESVOE.CLUB is a platform to post Advertisements for goods or services, enabling Users to offer, sell and buy goods and services in different geographical locations. We are not a party to sales contracts between third party Sellers and Buyers.

Unless otherwise expressly provided, ESVOE.CLUB does not control or guarantee: the availability, quality, safety or legality of the goods advertised; the truthfulness or accuracy of the content or Advertisements of Users; the ability of Sellers to sell goods; the ability of Buyers to pay for goods; or that Buyers or Seller will actually complete a transaction or return an item.


Please read this Terms and Conditions carefully before viewing this Website. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, do not use this Website. Your use of this Website, in particular your filling in of the various forms, applications, and ordering of goods/services using this Website, constitutes your agreement to the terms of this Agreement.


This Terms and Conditions  and all policies posted on the platform set out the terms under which ESVOE.CLUB offers you access and use of our Website.

1. Definition

1.1. Guest - a natural person-user of the Website who does not have an Account or is not authorised.

1.2. ESVOE.CLUB - a platform owned by ESVOE GROUP LTD (registration number: 14738083, registered office: 20-22 Wenlock Road, London, England, N1 7GU).

1.3. Category - the thematic category (e.g. "Transport" or "Electronics") to which the Advertisement relates. A category can be divided into thematically related subcategories.

1.4. Account - an accumulation of data related to a particular User, including information on their activities on the Website and the information provided by the User on the Website.

1.5. Buyer - a User who transacts with the Seller using the functionality of the Website.

1.6. Advertisement - an offer to sell or provide a position made by the Seller as well as an invitation made by the Employer to participate in the employment process published on the Website.

1.7. Registration - means the process of creating an Account by the User after providing the relevant details, accepting the Terms and Conditions and activating the Account.

1.8. Website (Service or platform) - an online platform ESVOE.CLUB, which is available on the domain https://esvoe.club/countries.

1.9. Seller - a User who publishes Advertisements on the Website and conducts transactions with the Buyer.

1.10. Transaction - any agreement concluded between Users or User and Guest regarding an item.

1.11. Paid Services - paid services provided by ESVOE.CLUB to the User including, in particular, Promotion Services.

1.12. User - a natural person, a legal entity or a separate subdivision which has legal capacity and which uses the Website after logging in to an Account.

2. General provisions

2.1. The Terms and Conditions of use of the Website, including the rules for Registration, publication of Advertisements and the purchase of Paid Services, as well as matters relating to payment and complaint procedures, are set out in the Terms and Conditions. Every User of the Website is obliged to read the contents of the Terms  and Conditions.

2.2. Guests may only use limited features of the Website subject to the terms and conditions set out in these Terms and Conditions, in accordance with the law and fairness.

2.3. The following activities may be carried out on the Website:

·         browsing the content on the Website; 

·         using the Account and the functions associated with it;

·         posting Advertisements;

·         use of Paid Services (including Promotional Services).

2.4. The services for browsing the content of the Website, the Account and publishing Advertisements are free of charge. The remaining services are chargeable.

3. The use of the Website

3.1. In connection with your use of or access to our Services, you agree to follow this Terms and Conditions, our policies and all applicable laws, rules and regulations, and you will not:

·         violate or circumvent any laws, rules, third party rights or our systems, Services, policies or your Account status determination;

·         use our Services if you are unable to enter into legally binding contracts (for example, if you are under 18) or are temporarily or permanently excluded from using our Services, or are a person banned from dealing in our Services by economic or trade sanctions;

·         refuse to pay for goods you have purchased unless you have a reasonable excuse, for example, if the Seller has significantly changed the description of the goods after you have made the order;

·         avoid delivery of goods sold by you unless you have a valid reason;

·         manipulate the price of any Product or interfere with other Users' advertisements;

·         take any action that could undermine the Feedback system;

·         transfer your ESVOE.CLUB account (including feedback) and user ID to another person without our consent;

·         transfer your login credentials to any third party;

·         create Advertisements, post or upload content in inappropriate categories on our Website;

·         post false, inaccurate, misleading, defamatory or libellous information;

·         distribute or post spam, unsolicited or bulk emails, chain letters or pyramid schemes;

·         distribute viruses or any other technologies that may damage ESVOE.CLUB, or the interests or property of Users;

·         use any robot, spider, scraper, data gathering or data extraction tool or other automated means of accessing our Services for any purpose other than with the prior express permission of ESVOE.CLUB;

·         circumvent any technical measures used to provide our Services;

·         interfere with the operation of our Services, for example by placing unreasonable or disproportionate burden on our infrastructure;

·         violate any copyright, trademark rights, patents, publicity rights, moral rights, database rights and/or other intellectual property rights (collectively, "Intellectual Property Rights") owned by ESVOE.CLUB or licensed to us;

·         violate any Intellectual Property Rights belonging to third parties or post content that does not belong to you; or

·         collect or otherwise use information about Users without their consent.

3.2. If we believe that you are in any way abusing ESVOE.CLUB and/or our Services, we may, at our sole discretion and without limiting other legal remedies, restrict, suspend or terminate your Account and access to our Services, delay or remove posted content, remove any special status associated with your Account to prevent you from using our Services.

3.3. We reserve the right to refuse, modify or terminate all or part of our Services to any person for any reason at our sole discretion.

4. Accounts

4.1. In order to make full use of the functionality of the Service, the Guest must register an Account and start using the Website as a registered User.

4.2. The User can only be a natural person with appropriate capacity, a legal person or a separate subdivision. In the case of legal entities and separate subdivisions, only a person authorised to act on their behalf may create an Account and carry out any activities on the Website.

4.3. A User may only have one Account. However, in certain cases this rule may not apply (e.g. the User has an Account used for personal purposes and a separate one related to his business activities; it is necessary to create another Account because the Account cannot be accessed (forgotten password) etc.) All exceptions in this respect must be verified in detail by ESVOE.CLUB, which has the right to suspend the Account during verification or delete the Account in the absence of evidence of the circumstances covered by this rule.

4.4. In order to Register an Account it is necessary to:

1) to complete the form available on the Website and provide the necessary details, including your email address or telephone number and a unique password or authentication through an external service provider such as Facebook, Google or Apple;

2) to read and accept the Terms and Conditions and its annexes.

4.5. ESVOE.CLUB processes personal data of Users, persons acting on behalf of Users and Guests in accordance with the terms of the Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy.

4.6. The User guarantees that the data provided during Registration and use of the Website is accurate, correct and up-to-date, and that the User has the right to use this data. The User undertakes to update the data if it changes. ESVOE.CLUB reserves the right to block an Account if the data provided do not comply with the aforementioned requirements.

4.7. A person using the Website on behalf of a User, which is a legal person or a separate subdivision, confirms that he is duly authorised to act and perform all activities on the Website on behalf of such User.

4.8. The User undertakes to keep the Account access data confidential and protect them from access by unauthorised third parties. The User shall immediately inform ESVOE.CLUB if it becomes aware that unauthorised third parties have accessed the Account and, if possible, immediately change the access data.

4.9. The User has the right to delete their Account at any time, at their own discretion, by using the relevant function on the platform or by contacting the Support Team with the relevant request. Once the User's Account is deleted, the User loses access to the information provided or created when using the Website.

4.10. ESVOE.CLUB shall be entitled to delete the User's Account without prior notice if the User

·         has not accessed the Account for a period of 24 months. This provision does not limit the User's right to re-register on the Website;

·         despite ESVOE.CLUB's request to stop certain actions or omissions which violate the provisions of the Terms and Conditions or generally accepted legal rules, continues to perform such actions or omissions;

·         in the case of a natural person - does not have the necessary legal capacity;

·         in the case of a legal person, a representative is not authorised to act on behalf of the User;

·         is a person or a representative of a person against whom sanctions/restrictive measures are imposed. For example, persons who are subject to personal special economic or other restrictive measures (sanctions), including UK Financial Sanctions, European Union sanctions/restrictive measures etc., cannot use the Website in any way.

4.11. In order to ensure the proper functioning of the Service and protect the safety of Users, ESVOE.CLUB reserves the right to carry out additional verification of the authenticity and truthfulness of the data provided by the User by asking the User to confirm their identity, information contained in the Advertisement or relating to the transaction in question, using the method chosen by ESVOE.CLUB. In case of an unsuccessful attempt to confirm the User's data or identity, ESVOE.CLUB may suspend or block the User's Account.

4.12. Users who communicate with other Users via their Account on the Website confirm that such conversations are not confidential and their content may be collected by ESVOE.CLUB. By accepting this Terms and Conditions, the User confirms that ESVOE.CLUB has the right to access and analyse the content of conversations carried out via the chat function on the Website in order to improve Users' security, prevent abuse and improve the quality of the Website.

5. Rules for publication and requirements for Advertisements

5.1. The ESVOE.CLUB allows Users to publish Advertisements on the Website.

5.2. The Advertisement published by User on the Website shall be available to all its Users. A contact form shall also be available next to the Advertisement, which enables other Users to contact the User who has published the Advertisement and send them a message.

5.3. The Advertisements published on the Website are posted in the relevant Categories in chronological order.

5.4. The content of each Advertisement shall comply with the requirements set out in this Terms and Conditions, shall be truthful, unambiguous and comprehensible and shall meet the technical requirements.

5.5. The User may determine the content of the Advertisement within the limits of the law and in accordance with the following requirements:

·         The User chooses one Category and subcategory corresponding to the topic to which the Advertisement relates;

·         The User shall specify a total price and possibly indicate that the price is negotiable. The item may be offered for free or in exchange for another good or service;

·         The User specifies the condition of the item (new or used).

5.6. No advertisements will be accepted:

·         that violate laws, well-established ethical norms and rules of conduct. That do not or do not correctly fill in the required fields or that contain incorrect, false information.

·         do not, or do not partly, correspond to the category of the Service. If there is no appropriate category, you are permitted to place your Advertisement in the most closely related section with the "Other" option.

·         an advertisements without an accurate detailed description of the product, service or job offered, in which important details are not specified and it is not possible to determine the specified details from the photo, or when the text or photo is misleading with respect to the above. Examples of violations:

- The advertisement for a car does not state that the car has been in an accident.

- A furniture advertisement does not state that the items in the photo are different from the items on offer.

- The advertisement for a property does not indicate the status and condition of the property and there are no photos of the property.

·         containing more than one item of a service or product offer, or Advertisements having a general nature. In each Advertisement it is allowed to publish an offer of only one particular good or service with an exact price and a detailed description. Only one specific item described in the Advertisement may be shown in the attached photos.

·         with an offer of a product or service that does not exist.

·         that contain a telephone number, e-mail, internet link or other contact details in the body of the Advertisement (with the exception of special fields) or enclosed graphics. It is admissible to include a different phone number than the one indicated upon registration for Advertisements of Users registered by phone number.

·         the price stated in the Advertisement does not correspond with reality or additional mandatory costs are not indicated. The price in the Advertisement must be final without any additional conditions.

·         the use of photos is not permitted:

- poor quality, from which the condition of the object is not clear.

- general view, where the object of sale is presented in a row with other objects and is not dominant.

- photos that do not match the object in the Advertisement, the photo must show exactly the product in the Advertisement, photos of similar products in catalogues or from the internet are not allowed.

- contain too bright background, colours that are not natural, or other elements that draw attention to themselves in the general ad list.

- that contain text or elements that interfere with the view or affect the aesthetics of the photos.

- with logos, contact details and addresses.

- with collages consisting of several photos put together into one picture.

·         words containing the following in the first line of the Advertisement: Promotion, Sale, Special Offer, Unique Prices, Super-offer, Attention, New and other marketing language used to draw the Users' attention to the Advertisement in the general list. Also, those that contain information in the first line of the Advertisement that does not directly relate to the object of sale, e.g. shop name, address etc.

·         those that in any way violate copyright or trademark rights.

·         that require full or partial payment in advance for a product or service.

·         advertisements that focus on collecting information about Users.

·         that receive multiple complaints.

·         offer goods or services subject to licensing, unless the Advertisement contains the exact contact details of the company and the licence number relevant to the offer.

·         about working in video chat rooms, erotic photography and videography, as well as the provision of sex services of any kind.

·         distribution of medicines, goods or services through an online scheme. Internet earnings through registrations, clicks, hits or other dubious activities.

·         with the offer of cigarettes, smoking supplies, alcohol, precursors, controlled medicines, dangerous or harmful products and substances, and equipment and devices for the production or processing of the aforementioned.

·         multiple advertisements in which the link leads to the first page of the User's website. Only the link to the specific product stated in the Advertisement is permitted.

·         any advertisements and promotions from employment and recruitment agencies and advertising services, including those that contain links, advertisements or logos of the aforementioned entities in the text or on accompanying graphics. Webpages containing links to other ad services are not permitted.

·         text containing emotional content, exclamations, calls, slogans, declarations, staged questions and text and keywords not relevant to the subject of the advertisement. The text in the Advertisement must be purely informative.

·         Advertisements with twisted mileage meters or incorrect mileage indication, with or without hidden/changed car number plates, different year of manufacture or other fraudulent practices.

·         multiple advertisements with the same content. If multiple advertisements are posted, the text in each advertisement shall be unique.

·         advertisements the effect of which may be to distribute unsolicited mailings, promotional brochures or other methods of annoying advertising or aggressive marketing.

·         with an offer of goods or services of no value (demand), or which are absurd in content.

5.7. The posting of the Advertisement on the Service shall commence immediately after its publication and shall continue for no longer than one of the following circumstances occurs:

·         The User has sold the position;

·         The User has changed the Advertisement in such a way that it contains an item other than the one originally described;

·         The User has deleted the Advertisement.

5.8. If ESVOE.CLUB becomes aware of a breach of the content requirements of the Advertisement, ESVOE.CLUB reserves the right to delete such Advertisement.

5.9. The User may change the content and certain parameters of the Advertisement and delete the Advertisement while it is placed on the Website.

6. Content

6.1. Content published on the Website, including in particular Advertisements, irrespective of their form, is subject to intellectual property rights, including copyright and industrial property rights, of ESVOE.CLUB, the Sellers or third parties. This content may not be used in any way without the written consent of the authorised person. Any aggregation, processing of data and other information available on the Website for the purpose of its further transmission to third parties on other websites and elsewhere on the Internet is prohibited.

6.2. At the time of publication, the User grants ESVOE.CLUB an exclusive, spatially unlimited and royalty-free license to record, reproduce and distribute the Advertisement in whole or in part for the purpose of displaying it on the Website - ESVOE.CLUB and the partners ESVOE.CLUB uses to promote the Website and anywhere via the Internet, including search engines (such as Google) and social networks (such as Facebook). The provision of a licence is necessary for full use of the Service. Due to the nature of the Internet, ESVOE.CLUB does not have full control over distribution of content published or transmitted using the Website's functions to other Users and shall not be liable to third parties, in particular if third parties copy and distribute the Advertisement on websites and portals not connected to the Service.

6.3. You represent and warrant that with respect to all such content that you submit, you own or otherwise control all of the rights necessary to do so and to comply with your obligations under this Terms and Conditions. You represent and warrant that such content is accurate. You represent and warrant that the use of any such content (including derivative works) by us, our Users or others under contract with us and in accordance with this Terms and Conditions does not and will not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party. ESVOE.CLUB is not responsible or liable for any content provided by you or any third party.

6.4. You agree that ESVOE.CLUB is not responsible for checking or warranting any Advertisements or content provided by third parties through our Services and that you will not attempt to hold us or our data providers responsible for any inaccuracies.

7. Free Advertisements

7.1. The User shall publish Advertisements on the Website free of charge.

8. Promotion Services for the Advertisements

8.1. The User may use the paid Promotion Services described in detail on the platform in order to increase the attractiveness of the Advertisement.

8.2. The User may use any of the Promotion Services during the posting or display of the Advertisement.

8.3. The Promotion Services are applicable to one Announcement, i.e. it is not possible to use such Services for different Advertisements.

8.4. ESVOE.CLUB shall not be liable for the effectiveness of the Promotion Services.

8.5. ESVOE.CLUB has the right to change the cost of Promotion Services at its own discretion. The current cost of Promotion Services is always indicated on the page for purchasing the relevant Services and is available to the User prior to the purchase.

9. Payments

9.1. The User will be visually informed on the Website about the current price of the selected Paid Services.

9.2. Payments made within the Service shall be made in advance - in the full amount necessary for ordering that Paid Service - prior to its provision by means of payment forms provided by ESVOE.CLUB.

9.3. Provision of a Paid Service shall commence after full payment for such Paid Service has been transferred to ESVOE.CLUB.

9.4. Use of any of the payment methods will require a separate legal relationship with the provider of that payment service and acceptance of its rules. ESVOE.CLUB is not a party to such relationship and has no possibility to interfere with its content or execution. In the case of payment problems, the User must contact the relevant operator in order to clarify any doubts or to submit a complaint. ESVOE.CLUB shall not be liable for payment services provided by an external service provider.

9.5. In the case of premature termination of display of an Advertisement due to removal by User, if the position has been sold or User has changed the subject of the Advertisement in such a way that a different position is indicated than the one originally indicated, the fee charged for the placement of that Advertisement and the related Paid Services for the unused period shall be non-refundable.

9.6. Advertisements that violate the law or this Terms and Conditions, in particular those added in the wrong category, similar or duplicative, repeated (spam), containing abusive or pornographic material, attempts of fraud and infringement of copyright will be removed and the fees previously charged for the placement of the Advertisement and the Paid Services associated with that Advertisement will not be refunded.

9.7. Funds for duly provided Services are non-refundable.

10. Feedback

10.1. A feedback system is available within the Service, which allows the User to leave a subjective evaluation of the Sellers regarding their experience with that Seller.

10.2. Feedback may not violate the provisions of applicable law and may not contain:

·         profanity, obscene and pornographic content or content that incites hatred, racism, xenophobia and ethnic conflict,

·         website addresses or links to other websites,

·         advertising content, other commercial content,

·         data of Users or other natural persons, including but not limited to: name and surname, place of residence, phone number, address, bank account number,

·         content that violates third-party rights, including intellectual property rights, personal rights, including the good name, reputation of other Users or third parties,

·         content that is a result of an agreement with other Users or third parties to influence the rating or feedback,

·         content that is false, defamatory, contains unfair competition.

10.3. We reserve the right to either remove the feedback in whole or in part when the feedback

·         concerns a User who is not the User being evaluated,

·         submitted by a User in relation to him/herself,

·         provided by employees, relatives, friends, family, etc. of the User,

·         has been submitted from an account with an email address created solely for the purpose of registering an Account,

·         has been provided in a way that indicates automated posting, or posting using solutions that avoid network traffic analysis,

·         otherwise violates the terms of the Terms and Conditions.

11. Disclaimer of warranties; limitation of liability

11.1. We try to keep our Services safe, secure and properly functioning, but we cannot guarantee uninterrupted operation of or access to our Services.

11.2. You agree that your use of our Services is at your own risk and that they are provided to you on an "AS IS" and "AS AVAILABLE" basis. Accordingly, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we disclaim all explicit or implicit warranties, conditions and terms, including but not limited to implicit warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of intellectual property rights.

11.3. In addition, to the extent permitted by applicable law, in no event will ESVOE.CLUB (including our directors, agents, and employees) be liable to you or any third party under any claim at law or in equity for any consequential damages or losses (including, but not limited to, loss of money, goodwill or reputation, profits, other intangible losses, or any special, indirect, or consequential damages), and all such damages or losses are expressly excluded by this Terms and Conditions whether or not they were foreseeable or ESVOE.CLUB was advised of such damages or losses. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, we (including our directors, agents, and employees) are not liable, and you agree not to hold us responsible, for any damages or losses (including, but not limited to, loss of money, goodwill or reputation, profits, other intangible losses, or any special, indirect, or consequential damages) resulting directly or indirectly from:

·          the content you provide (directly or indirectly) using our Services;

·          your use of or your inability to use our Services;

·          pricing, shipping, format, or other guidance provided;

·          delays or disruptions in our Services;

·          viruses or other malicious software obtained by accessing or linking to our Services;

·          glitches, bugs, errors, or inaccuracies of any kind in our Services;

·          damage to your hardware device from the use of any ESVOE.CLUB Service;

·          the content, actions, or inactions of third parties, including items listed using our Services or the destruction of allegedly fake items;

·          a suspension or other action taken with respect to your account; or

·          your need to modify practices, content, or behavior, or your loss of or inability to do business, as a result of changes to this Terms and Conditions or our policies.

11.4. Some jurisdictions do not allow the disclaimer of warranties or exclusion of damages, so such disclaimers and exclusions may not apply to you.

11.5. Regardless of the previous paragraphs, if we are found to be liable, our liability to you or to any third party is limited to the greater of €100.

12. Release

12.1. If you have a dispute with one or more Users, you release us (and our directors, employees, and agents) from claims, demands, and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes.

13. Indemnity

13.1. You will indemnify and hold us (including our directors, employees, and agents) harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable legal fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your breach of this Terms and Conditions, your improper use of our Services or your breach of any law or the rights of a third party.

14. Updating the platform and amending the Terms and Conditions

14.1. ESVOE.CLUB reserves the right to amend this Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy at any time and without prior notification. Relevant amendments shall become valid upon publication of the updated and amended Terms and Conditions at: https://esvoe.club/countries. The continued access or use of the Services by Users after such publication is evidence of acceptance of the amended Terms and Conditions.

14.2 The amendments may not limit or deprive the User of rights related to the Paid Services purchased. Paid Services which are purchased prior to the entry into force of the amendments to the Terms will be provided on the current principles.

14.3 A User who does not accept the amendments to the Terms and Conditions shall be entitled to terminate the account maintenance agreement at any time.

14.4. Furthermore, ESVOE.CLUB reserves the right to update, amend or delete information contained on the platform as regards layout, presentation and access conditions at any time and without prior notice, without accepting any liability in connection with such actions. ESVOE.CLUB does not guarantee that access to the Platform or its content will be error-free or uninterrupted, or that the content is up-to-date.

15. Autonomy of provisions

15.1. If any provision of this Terms and Conditions is held to be invalid or null and void by operation of law, such provision shall be removed from the text of the document. The removal of a provision shall not affect the validity of the other provisions or the effect of this document.

16. Applicable law and jurisdiction

16.1. This Terms and Conditions, its subject matter and content shall be governed by the laws of the United Kingdom.

16.2. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Terms and Conditions, in particular any question as to the formation, validity or termination of this Terms and Conditions, shall be referred to and finally resolved by the relevant courts of the United Kingdom.